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導讀:福建楓葉旅游景點介紹英語(你去過福建哪些名勝古跡英語) 介紹福清景點英語作文 福建有什么好玩的地方 福建旅游景點大全 旅游英語九寨溝英文介紹 請問楓葉用英語怎么說 楓葉的旅游景點有哪些 楓葉英語短句


記得那是一個晴朗的星期天,我和媽媽乘車來到香山,秋季的香山真美呀!我想:我盼望已久的愿望終于實現(xiàn)了。今天,我可以親自目睹香山的美景,當時我的心情別提多高興了。 我和媽媽先來到香山腳下,往遠處望,一片片楓樹像一片片火。還有散落的楓葉像一只只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,美麗極了!這時,我想到了兩句古詩,“停車坐愛楓林晚,霜葉紅于二月花?!蔽覀冄刂仙降穆罚Φ耐吓实?。一會兒,我們攀上一個山坡,我和媽媽來到標本室,里邊陳列著各種各樣的標本,有的像蝴蝶,有的像扇子,有的還會發(fā)光呢!我最喜歡的就是會發(fā)光的。每當夜幕降臨,它會發(fā)出美麗的光芒,真叫人心以曠神怡。 從陳列室出來,我們繼續(xù)往前走,來到了一片稠密的楓樹林,滿地的落葉,好像鋪在地上的紅地毯。我們走在地毯上,我感到從未有的幸福和激動。 香山太美了!北京太美了!祖國的山河太美了! 小朋友們聽了我的介紹,你們是不是也很想去親眼看一看香山的美景啊﹖

福建有什么好玩的地方 福建旅游景點大全

1.福建廈門鼓浪嶼風景區(qū)(AAAAA級)圖片:鼓浪嶼打開騰訊新聞查看更多圖片圖片:鼓浪嶼鼓浪嶼被譽為“海上花園”。島上氣候宜人,四季如春,沒有車馬的喧囂,到處都是鮮花。它像一顆璀璨的“海上明珠”,鑲嵌在廈門灣碧海綠波之中,集歷史文化、自然景觀于一體。是世界文化遺產,國家5A級景區(qū),國家級風景名勝區(qū),福建十大風景名勝區(qū)。島上風景優(yōu)美,大量風格各異的中外建筑保存完好。被譽為“海上花園”、“世界建筑博覽會”。門票:100元(含日光巖、古莊園、郝躍園、風琴博物館、國際出租美術館)地址:福建省廈門市思明區(qū);2.福建福州三坊七巷景區(qū)(AAAAA級)圖:三車道和七車道圖:三車道和七車道國家5A級旅游景區(qū)、中國十大歷史文化名街之一的芳樟巷,是福州的歷史源頭和文化根脈。三坊七巷在西方稱為“巷”,在東方稱為“巷”。從北到南分別是“三巷”義津坊、文儒廣場、廣祿廣場和“七巷”楊橋巷、朗關巷、安民巷、黃翔、塔巷、公巷、吉皮巷。三坊七巷是我國規(guī)模較大、保護較為完整的歷史文化街區(qū)。它是中國為數(shù)不多的古建筑遺存之一,有“中國城市李芳體系的活化石”和“中國明清建筑博物館”的美稱。參考:免費,部分景點掛鉤120元;景點地址:福建省福州市鼓樓區(qū)南后街東側3.福建永定土樓景區(qū)(AAAAA級)圖:永定土樓圖:永定土樓福建永定客家土樓是世界上最神奇的山地民居建筑。土樓群歷史悠久,風格獨特,規(guī)模宏大,結構精巧,是中國古代民居建筑中的一朵奇葩,被譽為“東方文明的一顆璀璨明珠”。永定有23000多座土樓,其中8000多座建于清朝以前。它們在數(shù)量、質量、群體、歷史淵源、文化內涵等方面具有獨特優(yōu)勢,被譽為“福建土樓之都”。門票:洪坑土樓90元,高貝土樓50元,真福樓50元,洪坑+高貝120元(聯(lián)票),洪坑+高貝+真福樓140元(聯(lián)票)、地址:福建省永定縣湖坑鎮(zhèn)4.福建南靖土樓景區(qū)(AAAAA級)圖:南京土樓圖:南京土樓南京土樓歷史悠久、數(shù)量眾多、規(guī)模宏大、造型奇特、風格獨特,被譽為“神話般的山地建筑”。南京土樓群一般指漳州市的南京、華安平和、詔安、小蕓、漳浦等縣山區(qū)的土樓。這些土樓大小不一,形態(tài)各異,匯集了福建最高、最大、最小、最奇特、保護最好的土樓。門票:懷遠樓+云水謠古棧道+90元和桂樓聯(lián)票,田螺坑土樓群+裕昌樓(錯開樓)+100元和河坑土樓群聯(lián)票,50元、15元(全程)景點門票不捆綁門票。福建景區(qū)地址:福建省漳州市南靖縣沭陽鎮(zhèn);5.南平武夷山風景區(qū)(AAAAA級)圖:武夷山風景區(qū)圖:武夷山風景區(qū)武夷山,典型的丹霞地貌,素有“奇秀甲東南”之稱。它是一座歷史悠久的文化名山,集道、佛、儒為一體。“三三美水清如玉,六六奇峰青天”,構成了武夷山水夢幻般的勝利。武夷山有獨特、罕見、奇妙的自然景觀,是不可多得的自然風景區(qū),是人類與自然環(huán)境和諧統(tǒng)一的代表。武夷山現(xiàn)存摩崖石刻500余處,文物古跡眾多,還有“道南石窟”、“齋藤優(yōu)子理學”、“擱舟棺”等人文景觀。門票:一日票140元,二日票150元,三日票160元;瞿溪竹筏漂流100元;地址:福建省南平市武夷山市;6.寧德福鼎太姥山風景區(qū)(AAAAA級)圖:太姥山圖:太姥山太姥山,國家5A級景區(qū),國家地質公園。它矗立在東海之濱,山海相依,傲然炫耀。它以“山海大觀”、險峰、怪石、幽洞、煙云著稱。以“峰險、怪石、幽洞、霧幻”著稱。有參考:155元;地址:福建省寧德市福鼎市琴嶼鎮(zhèn)7.福鼎大玉山島風景區(qū)(AAAAA級)圖:大玉山島圖:大玉山島大玉山島是中國十大最美島嶼之一,被列為國家5A級太姥山風景區(qū)的組成部分。位于霞浦北海域,直徑約5公里,洪積洞山最高點海拔541.4米。它是閩東最大的島嶼,由岱山、小魚山、鴛鴦島、余音島等十一個大小島嶼組成。它被稱為“海上天湖”。門票:天湖和長途汽車80元地址:福建省寧德市福鼎市玉山鎮(zhèn)8.寧德白水洋鴛鴦河景區(qū)(AAAAA級)圖:白水洋鴛鴦溪圖:白水洋鴛鴦溪柏楊鴛鴦溪景區(qū)位于寧德市平南縣,是國家5A級景區(qū)和世界地質? ?園。分為白水洋、鴛鴦溪、劉公巖、太保樓、鴛鴦湖五個景點。白水洋景區(qū)被稱為“奇特景觀”,是世界上唯一的“淺水廣場”。鴛鴦溪位于雙溪鎮(zhèn)附近的鴛鴦湖景區(qū),人文生態(tài)資源豐富,鳥、鴨、杜鵑花、寺廟、古塔種類繁多。門票:白水洋120元,鴛鴦溪78元,聯(lián)票170元。地址:福建寧德西北部南縣;9.福建泉州清源山風景區(qū)(AAAAA級)圖:清源山圖:清源山“清源奇跡是石”,清源精神是春。泉州清源山是國家5A級景區(qū),國家級風景名勝區(qū)。自古以來,它以36個洞穴和18個景點而聞名。被譽為“渤海蓬萊第一山”,成為各種宗教的文化名山。它與山城泉州相依,相映成趣,猶如名城泉州的一顆璀璨明珠。景區(qū)由清源山、九日山靈山圣墓三大區(qū)域組成,泉水飛瀑,怪石溶洞,峰巒疊翠,樹木秀麗。門票:70元地址:福建省泉州市豐澤區(qū)清源山10.福建泰寧大金湖景區(qū)(AAAAA級)大金湖,又名金湖,是國家重點風景名勝區(qū)和國家AAAAA級旅游區(qū)。位于閩西北泰寧縣,湖面5萬多畝。是目前福建最大的人工湖。大金湖以水為主體,以丹霞地貌為特色,是中國少有的丹霞地貌與浩瀚湖水相結合的景區(qū)。這里有72個形態(tài)各異的懸崖,36個壯觀的巖石,18個壯觀的洞穴,5個清泉和兩個瀑布。被譽為“天下第一湖山”。參考:景區(qū)門票要80元,船票要75元。地址:福建省三明市閩西北泰寧縣


九寨溝是中國著名風景名勝區(qū),每年都吸引著無數(shù)游客前去游玩,下面我為大家?guī)? 旅游英語 九寨溝英文介紹,歡迎大家閱讀!


Located in Nanping County, Aba Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou Ravine stretches 80 kilometers in one direction and takes up an area of more than 60,000 hectares. The area consists of six scenic spots——Changhai, Jianyan, Nuorilang, Shuzheng, Zharu and Heihai. It becomes a world renowned scenic spot because of its diversity in natural scenery which includes snowy peaks, double waterfalls, colorful forests and green sea. Furthermore, Tibetan customs are another attraction. It was listed as a world heritage site in 1992.

The Ravine boasts a number of unique features. The mountains, lakes, natural primeval forest, beautiful flowers all make Jiuzhaigou a fairyland. Mountains ranging 1,980 to about 3,100 meters in height are covered by a variety of trees and plants such as green conifers, luxuriant broadleaf trees and colorful rare flowers and grasses. Scenes change according to the season and the area is particularly colorful in autumn when the wind makes kilometers of tree belt along the lake undulate like a sea wave. Waterfalls, lakes, springs, rivers and shoals add to color and the green trees, red leaves, snowy peaks and blue skies are reflected from lakes and rivers. Trees grow in the water and flowers blossom in the middle of lakes.

The Shuzheng Scenic Spot is one of the central point of Jiuzhaigou’s landscape. With 40 lakes which extend five kilometers along a valley, the spot covers an area of three square kilometers. The lakes vary in color according to their depths, residues and scenery around them. Among which, Reed Lake is an ideal habitat of birds; Spark Lake appears to move while the jade-like Rhinoceros Lake is a good place for rowing, swimming and rafting. There are also the Shuzheng Waterfalls which have a backdrop of trees.

Nuorilang Scenic Area extends from the Nuorilang Waterfalls to Zhuhai, an area of three square kilometers. The 320-meter-wide Pearl Beach Waterfall and the Five-Color Lake which has a richly colored underwater landscape.

The Sword-Shaped Rock Scenic Area consists of Goose Lake, Suspended Springs, Sword Rock, snow-covered Mountains and primeval forests. Sometimes you can see giant pandas. There is also the 17.8-kilometer Zechawa Ravine, the longest and highest in Jiuzhaigou. At the end of it is the eight-kilometer-long Changhai Lake, the largest in the area. In Haizi there is a Five-Color Pond, the brightest lake in Jiuzhaigou.

Undoubtedly, the magnificent view in Jiuzhaigou will make you reluctant to leave, and don’t forget that the autumn is the best season to visit it.

旅游英語九寨溝英文介紹:Natural Features自然概況

Situated in the depths of the mountains in the border area of Napping, Songpan and Pingwu counties in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of northwestern Sichuan,is a fairyland called Jiuzhaigou--Nine-Village Gully. Until recent years,it had remained undisturbed in high mountains due to its inaccessibility,except by some horse trails or mountain paths. Scattered along the gully with the alpine lakes are nine Tibetan settlements,hence the name Jiuzhaigou、meaning"nine villages gully".

九寨溝位于四川西北部阿壩的南坪、松潘和平武三縣交界之處的崇山峻嶺之中,是一片深藏不露的人間仙境。多少年來,這里一直交通不便,只有馬道和山間小路溝。這里有九個藏族村寨散落在高山湖泊群? ?。因而得名九寨溝。

Jiuzhaigou Scenic area refers to the"Y"shaped three gullies of Shuzheng, Rize and Zechawa,altogether covering an area of 720km} and stretching out for a total length of over SOkm. It is a habitat of Tibetans,and geologically a cold alpine Karst topography in nature. The nine villoges and the mountain lakes,called"haizi"(sea or son of sea),shining like crystal mirrors,dot in the depth of forests and snow mountains.At the upper most lies the Long Lake,while the Grass Lake is the end of Rize Gully. The two gullies run down northward and join together at Nuorilang to form the beginning of Shuzheng Gully. The height drop amounts to 1 000m or more from the joint of the two gullies to the outlet of Shuzheng Gully. Lining along the distance are 114 stepped lakes(The water is so clear that the bottom is visible despite depths of several dozen meters),between which are 17 waterfall groups(Waterfalls are the essence of the scenery in Jiuzhaigou),11 torrents,and 5 calcareous tufa shoals, forming"a fairy land under the sky" that features in alpine lake groups,waterfall groups,and calcareous tufa shoals,as well as snow mountains,virgin forests, and Tibetan folklore.


Jiuzhaigou Gully boasts for having the freshest air on the earth,where the horizontal visibility is as far as 50km. The climate there is that of temperate monsoon,sunny,clear, cool in summer but not windy in winter. It is the ideal resort for sightseeing and holidays.


Jiuzhaigou Gully is rich with flora. At present it has 30 000 hectares of natural forests,2 576 species of higher plants as well as 400 species of lower plants. With the numerous lakes and various vegetation,Jiuzhaigou has a self complete ecolog- ical system,which provides the best habitats for wild animals. Investigation shows in the gully there are 170 kinds of vertebrates,and 141 species of birds,of which 3 are under Class I state protection,4 under Class II,and 10 under Class III.

九寨溝植物種類繁多,現(xiàn)有天然森林近3萬公頃,高等植物2576種,低等植物400余種。九寨溝湖泊眾多,植被多樣,生態(tài)系統(tǒng)完整,為各種野生動物棲居繁衍提供了良好的條件。據(jù)調查,現(xiàn)有脊椎動物170種、鳥類141種,屬國家一類保護的有3種,二類 保護的有4種,三類保護的有10種。

In 1982,the State Council of the People's Republic of China recognized Jiuzhaiyou Gully as a key scenic area of the nation. In December of 1992 it was inscribed on World Heritage List by UNESCO. In October of 1995 it entered reserves for Man and the Biosphere Program.

1982年,中華人民共和國務院市定九寨溝為國家重點風景名勝區(qū) 。1992年九寨溝被聯(lián)合國教科文組織作為自然遺產列入《世界遺產名錄》。1995年,九寨溝又榮獲聯(lián)合國人與生物圈委員會頒發(fā)的《人與生物圈保護區(qū)》證書。


Jiuzhaigou, China's Fairyland


Sichuan Province in southwest China is renowned for its many fascinatingnatural wonders which have attraaed millions of travelers over the centuries.


The recent discovery of the scenic beauty of Jiuzhaigou (Nine-village Ravine)has added charm to the picturesque landscape. Known as "China's Fairyland", Jiuzhaigou is located in the hills along the borders of Nanping,Pingwu and Songpan counties, some 400 kilometers from Chengdu, the pro-vinaal capital. Three scenic areas-Shuzheng qunhaigou, Zechawagou and Rizegou-combine to make up the 60,000 hectares of fairyland, which is nearly 2,500 meters above sea level. Its name "Nine-village Ravine"is sup-posed to be because Tibetans once inhabited nine villages in the ravine.


Here is a brief record in "Green Lakes", a chapter in the Annals ofNanpingCounty: "In Jiuzhaigou, lakes meander for miles, with wooded hills mir-rored in the clear water." The scene, actually, is much more beautiffil than can be put into words. Sichuan Prorrince is rich in scenic wonders, each with its own distinctive features—the elegance of Mount Emei, the serenity ofMount Qingcheng,the sharp precipice of Jianmen Pass, and the grandeur of Kuimen. But to depict the diverse natural beauty of Jiuzhaigou in one or two words is not nearly enough. "Fairyland",however inadequate, is perhaps the only word to choose.

論山品水,古今時尚?;蛞栽姡蛞援?,或以游記,或以攝影,運用各種不同的藝術手段,表現(xiàn)出山水風光的風格和個性。九寨溝風光的風格和個性,還在不斷探索和認識的過程中.這里,得感謝一位長居山中的藏族老人,他講述了九寨山水萊源的一則 神話 故事 。他說在很古很古的時候,九寨溝? ??山叢中,有個男神仙達戈,和美麗的女神仙沃諾色嫫自由戀愛,男神仙用風云磨了一面鏡子,送給女神仙作梳妝打扮用;女神仙接鏡時失手,摔成108塊碎片,散落山中,變成了108個“翠?!薄9爬系? 傳說 啟發(fā)了我們:九寨溝的奇美風光,就在于它有這天然生成的108個“翠海”;從風光的結構上講,它是以水為主體的,這就有別于其他山水的特色了。

Intrigued by this fairyland, true lovers of nature have tried recording its uniquebeauty in poems, paintings, photographs and travel notes. An old local Tibetan tells the story of Jiuzhaigou: "Once upon a time, there lived deep in the mountains an immortal named Dage and a fairy maiden named Wonuosemo. They fell in love. One day, Dage presented Wonuosemo with a bright mirror which he had polished with the wind and the clouds. Unfortunately, the mirror slipped from the maiden's hand and broke into 108 pieces, each turning into a lake of emerald green."It is no wonder why scenic Jiuzhaigou is so entertaining, with so many distinctive "Green Lakes" reigning over the whole area.


China is a land of scenic contrasts, each uniquely representing its own area: West Lake in Hangzhou with enchanting pavilions set in quiet surroundings, Mount Emei in Sichuan with peaks peeping through mist and clouds, Guilin in Guangxi with panoramic views of mountains and rivers. And Jiuzhaigou presents another view. Aged trees wave the seasons by, amid carpets of wild flowers and thick green vegetation. Sparkling lakes and waterfalls vary with every season. Some rare trees and grasses, survivors of the glacial epoch,still thrive here in harmony with a host of creatures which make this ravine their home, for the land teems with such animals as giant pandas, golden monkeys, takins, white-eared pheasants, deer and river deer. All of this unfolds into a panorama of beautifully balanced fauna and flora. As observers from Nanping County have justly put it, "All the beauty of Jiuzhaigou is endowed by nature. If the natural charm w ere removed, there would be no more of Jiuzhaigou."Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine. The trees are their greenest in spring when intensified by colorful flowers. In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and lakelands. As summer merges into autumn, the maple trees turn fiery-red, splashing color through the thickly forested hills. Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout the year, particularly at places around Mirror Lake and Five-flower Lake at Rizegou, and Multi-colored Lake at Zechawagou, where a profusion of colors is brought into full harmony with nature. This singular spectacle can only be seen in Jiuzhaigou-a natural preserve.

當然,這并不排除九寨溝風光的其他特點,它的風景點集中,它的三條主溝,各具特色而又富多種魅力。一位 經(jīng)驗 豐富縱覽過世界風光的國際旅游企業(yè)家,曾在九寨溝風光最嫵媚的秋天做了一次短游,他說:“像九寨溝這樣美妙的景色,世界上是少有的?!彼椴蛔越貙ε阃牟刈甯笨h長說:“你真幸福啊!你是世界上最美麗的縣的縣長?!?/p>

九寨溝風光,不愧是蜀中又一幅新的 山水畫 卷。

In addition to this natural beauty Jiuzhaigou, again, is noted for its three scenic areas which are so concentrated in the region and yet so strikingly contrasted with each other that tourists cannot believe their eyes even when they see them. After visiting this fairyland in autumn, a tourist entrepreneur from abroad exclaimed, "Of all the scenic spots the world has ever produced, nothing compares with this." He then turned to his companion, the deputy head of Nanping County, and said, "You are lucky to govern the most beautiful place in the world."Scenic Jiuzhaigou is indeed one of nature's most extravagant splendors anywhere and the crowning glory of Sichuan Province.


1. 旅游英語:Hollywood英語介紹

2. 旅游英語閱讀:環(huán)游世界的九大理

3. 關于旅游的英語作文范文

4. 關于去挪威旅游的一篇英語文章

5. 描述我喜歡旅游的英語作文


楓葉的英文:maple leaf

英 [?meipl li:f]? ?美 [?mep?l lif]



英 [?me?pl]? ?美 [?mep?l]



英 [li:f]? ?美 [lif]


vt. vi.翻書(報)


1、I know that its colour is the same as the maple leaf.


2、Ginkgo biloba is it dyed yellow, dyed red maple leaf was it, the field was it dyed gold.




一、salix leaf


Membrane permeability and content of MDA of Salix babylonica leaf were added with increase of Pb and Cd concentration.?


二、peach leaf

英 [pi:t? li:f]? ?美 [pit? lif]


A Observation of Orcadian Rhyme of Peach Leaf Miner Overwintering Adult



















1. 描寫楓葉的英文段落

Red maple leaf is the greatest. It is a dark, a good look at the color. Deer Lake park near my home where it all red leaves, the whole park is like a sea of red. This is Canada's national flag is a red maple leaf reasons. Yellow maple leaf is beautiful, it is a golden brown. From afar, like March southern Xinglin, gorgeous dazzling. My mother at Maple camera, as if into a golden palace, even her mother's face becomes more beautiful. Purple Maple little, purple purple, with theater curtains like the color purple. Only green maple afraid akishimo, delicate foliage is so green. .。

2. 有關葉子的優(yōu)美英語句子有哪些

1, the maple leaf like a lovely hands, big and small fat and thin, long and short. Looks like there are countless hands in greeting me, to welcome me.2, the ancients said, "banner" is not the golden autumn leaves achievements, or the achievements of the golden autumn leaves. The leaves seem to be born for the autumn, spring green, summer green, and not the aura of autumn leaves. The cool autumn wind, light tenderness, sky caixia. This mass, a golden trees, the leaves falling in the wind, have a thick layer on the ground. As the scenery, who dare to destroy? I am afraid that even approached the courage did not dare to have.3, hey! You see, the fiery red maple leaves, should be. As it leaves wide open hand, waving in the wind. I see she is looking at her and feel shy? Or in order to meet the arrival of autumn and the girl? Perhaps because of the autumn girl of infinite love, makes her face so red.4, the red maple leaf, light from the shackles of free books, light in the room. Traces of its movement is not fast, very soothing, but also very firm. Life is clearly out of the trees survive, however, the fiery red hot, but did not decrease with the passage of life.5, after the autumn frost strike, the color of the leaves with the language to express, dark red, dark red, like red - red, green like non green, red with green, green with red, in a word, it contains a variety of red and green color levels, although many, but the autumn girl gave it foreign exchange is unusually melt exactly, it is more than less specific points is too bright, too light, this is any painter is difficult.6, ordinary green leaves make me feel: if I can't be a Liufang full of flowers, a piece of pure noble green leaves and Why not?? Life, the same as its modest diligent vigorous green.7, leaves, see red sorghum, greeting yellow corn, congratulate green cabbage。

The fields around left its footprints.8, the leaves turn into a butterfly just fall down from the sky, draw a beautiful arc. At the moment, it saw the beauty of the world, heard the birds call, but also completed their mission.9, there are a few roadside ginkgo trees, the tree was covered with green "fan", under the touch of autumn, the color becomes green with yellow. Pick up the light and thin "small fan", some have vertical stripes of green; some edge is yellow, the middle of the whole leaves green, green and yellow; there are vertical stripes of yellow soil, feels like delicate skin, Shu Fuji.10, a breeze, the leaves fall down in the air, leisurely, and high and low, like dancing in the air.對應翻譯:1、楓葉像一張張可愛的小手,有大有小又胖又瘦,有長有短。











3. 描寫秋天 英語句子

關于秋天的英語句子1.Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond


2.Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.


3.In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.

秋中,有些感情便如落葉般凋零了,有些影子卻揮之不去,只在網(wǎng)絡虛緲中才有熟悉的名字。凋零就凋零吧,倦縮也好,成灰亦好,管它感情如一樹紅葉般怎樣盛開,怎樣凋零。我站在川流不息的時間里,談笑風生,任憑滿天的葉子飛舞,最終覆蓋蒼涼的生命。( 散文閱讀:pares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.很強的技巧加強了景色的美感,在傳統(tǒng)和現(xiàn)代化了的建筑風格之間的對比。

That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描繪秋天景色的油畫。

The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.游客們被景色的美麗所陶醉。

4. 關于秋天英語句子

1.Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond


2.Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.


3.In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.


4.Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.很強的技巧加強了景色的美感,在傳統(tǒng)和現(xiàn)代化了的建筑風格之間的對比。

5.That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描繪秋天景色的油畫。

6.The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.游客們被景色的美麗所陶醉。

7."This extraordinary natural preserve shelters a primeval forest, the continent's largest population of brown bears, sizeable packs of wolves, and a host of other creatures which have all but disappeared elsewhere. 專門捕捉大自然美麗景色的導演高史林百格將會透過節(jié)目帶大家融入這處仙境,享受大自然的真善美。

5. 請問楓葉用英語怎么說

楓葉的英文:maple leaf

英 [?meipl li:f] 美 [?mep?l lif]



英 [?me?pl] 美 [?mep?l]



英 [li:f] 美 [lif]


vt. vi.翻書(報)


1、I know that its colour is the same as the maple leaf.


2、Ginkgo biloba is it dyed yellow, dyed red maple leaf was it, the field was it dyed gold.




一、salix leaf


Membrane permeability and content of MDA of Salix babylonica leaf were added with increase of Pb and Cd concentration.


二、peach leaf

英 [pi:t? li:f] 美 [pit? lif]


A Observation of Orcadian Rhyme of Peach Leaf Miner Overwintering Adult



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