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濟(jì)南旅游景點(diǎn)英文翻譯「旅游景點(diǎn) 英文翻譯」

導(dǎo)讀:濟(jì)南旅游景點(diǎn)英文翻譯「旅游景點(diǎn) 英文翻譯」 "趵突泉""千佛山""大明湖"用英語怎么翻譯? 濟(jì)南的旅游景點(diǎn)有哪些(英文版)? 關(guān)于濟(jì)南旅游景點(diǎn)的英文介紹?越短越好?。ㄇХ鹕?、大明湖、趵突泉) "濟(jì)南大明湖八景"用英語怎么說


Baotu Spring "" Qianfo Hill "" Daming lake"




濟(jì)南有許多名勝古跡(翻譯) There are many ____ ____ _



There are many (places of interest) in Jinan.

解釋:a place of interest,一處名勝。這里是復(fù)數(shù)形式。


突泉:Spouting Spring (a famous spring in Jinan City)

大明湖:Daming Lake

千佛山: Qianfo Hill;Thousand Buddha Mountain

千佛山公園: Thousand Buddha Mountain Park

四門塔:Four-gate tower


Jinan, the 'City of Springs' is popular among tourists for its many springs.

Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, is located in the mid west of Shandong.

What kind of city is Jinan? We can see from its various unique characteristics.

Jinan is a historical city with a history of some 2000 years and is famed for its numerous relics. It is the cradle of the Longshan Relics Culture, the reputed prehistoric culture of China and is found in Longshan Town of Jinan, hence the name. In the area of Jinan, you will find far more than you would expect, the ancient Great Wall of the Qi State (a state of the Zhou Dynasty (770B.C. – 221B.C.)), the colored sculptures of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) in the Lingyan Temple and so on.

Jinan is the home of Lu Cai (Shandong cuisine), a popular cuisine of China.

The unique tourist souvenirs available in Jinan include Ejiao, Black Pottery, Lu Embroidery and Wooden-Fish wares.

Jinan is the right place to see some very typical festivals including The Lantern Festival in the Baotu Spring Park, the Lotus Festival in the Daming Lake Park and the Double-Nine Festival on the Thousand-Buddha Mountain.

Jinan is a hospitable city and receives tourists from all over the world. Marco Polo once visited Jinan and left words of praise to this city. The Baotu Spring, Daming Lake and the Thousand Buddha Mountain decorate Jinan as a Garden City.

Compared with those capital cities, or other large and medium-size cities in China, Jinan has few advantages and lacks a metropolitan atmosphere, the highlight being its numerous springs. Some people say Jinan's glamour is not merely its enticing natural beauty, but more the warmth of the Jinan people. The beauty of nature is thin and weak, but the beauty that comes from people will last forever.


"濟(jì)南大明湖八景"用英語翻譯是:Ji'nan Daming Lake eight,見下圖百度翻譯


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