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SanYa,a seaside tropical city,locates in the Hainan Province.

It's well known for it's beautiful coast,soft sand and hot girls who wear very little.

The city is quite a resource of tourism.Every year thousands of millions of people from all over China and even all over the world come here to enjoy the beauty of SANYA.

Have you ever been there?If not,please pay attention if you are wondering where to go for your long-anticipating holiday.

Sanya will give you quite a nice surprise there.


天涯海角游覽區(qū)坐落與中國最南的三亞市西郊26公里處,該景區(qū)主要是由熱帶海灘花崗巖風景區(qū)、購物區(qū)和度假村組成的旅游風景區(qū)。 景區(qū)內(nèi)建有海水浴場、釣魚臺及海上游艇等設(shè)施,由現(xiàn)代建筑和園林式建筑風格相結(jié)合的"天涯購物寨"、"天涯漫游區(qū)"、"天涯畫廊"、"天涯民族風情園"、"天涯歷史名人雕像"等屹立在海角景區(qū)。附近有"點火臺"、"望海閣"、"懷蘇亭"和曲徑通幽組成的多層次游覽勝地。 本次介紹完畢,謝謝

The ends of the earth and the Chinese resort is located south of Sanya City, 26 kilometers western suburbs, the the main scenic spots of granite by the scenic tropical beaches, shopping areas and tourist resorts scenic composition. Built scenic beach, the Diaoyutai yachts and marine facilities, from modern architecture and landscape architecture that combines style "End of the World Shopping Village", "End of the World roaming Area", "End of the World Gallery," "End of the World Park, ethnic customs," " famous statue of the End of the World History "and other scenic promontory stands. The vicinity of the "ignition-Taiwan", "Wanghai Court", "蘇亭pregnant" and its winding streets, composed of multi-level tourist attraction. The introduction, thank you


1,天涯海角游覽區(qū),The remotest corners of the globe





3,鹿回頭公園,Luhuitou Park


4,西島,West Island

西島又名玳瑁島,位于三亞灣國家自然保護區(qū)內(nèi),全島總面積 2.68平方公里。島上風景秀麗,空氣清新,沙灘柔和,海水清澈見底;環(huán)島海域生長著大量美麗的珊瑚,保護完好。









1. Asian Dragon Bay(Yalong Wan)


Located 25 kilometers east of Sanya city,AsianDragon Bay(Yalong Wan/ Yalongwan Guff/YalongBay)is regarded as the best beach in Hainanprovince. Asian Dragon Bay(Yalong Wan/ Yalong wan/Yanlongwan Gulf/Yalong Bay) boasts unparalleledbeauty. The 7. 5-kilometer(4.7-mile)long,crescent-shaped bay with an area of 18.6 squarekilometers(about 7.2 square miles) is pne of the famous scenic spots in Hainan Province.

亞龍灣位于三亞市東25公里處,被視為海南最好的海灘。 亞龍灣全長7. 5公哄(4.7英里),月牙形的海灣而積為18.6平方公里(約7.2平方英里)。亞龍灣的美麗無與倫倫比,是海南省著名景點之一。 亞龍灣位于海南省的最南端,即離熱帶海邊旅游城市三亞25公里(約7.2英里。

With the average temperature a pleasant 25.5 ℃all year-around,Yalong Bay is situated in thesouthernmost part of Hainan Province 25km(about 15.5miles)away from the tropical seasidetourist city,Sanya.The scenery is amazing,with endess rolling hills,serene gulfs,clesr blue seaand silver sand beaches-three times as long as any in Hawaii.Home to several well-preservedcoral reefs with tropical fish of varied kinds,colors and shapes the ocean here is crystalclear,allowing visitors to view underwater sights up 10 meters (33feet)deep from the surface.


Yalong Bay boasts the five essential elements of modern tourism :sea,sands,sunshine,lushgreen plants and fresh air. In 1992,the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organizationonce marked that this bay embraces the unique and unparalleled naturalsettings,sands,crystal sea water,endless seashore,unspoiled hills and pristinevegetation,making it a paradise for holiday travelers.

亞龍灣現(xiàn)代旅游業(yè)引以為豪的五個根本要素是:海水、沙灘、陽光、繁茂的綠色植物和新鮮空氣。 1992年,世界旅游組織秘書長曾經(jīng)評價說:這個海灣擁有獨特和無與倫比的自然設(shè)施、沙灘、水晶般的海水、綿延無盡的海濱、保存完好的山丘和原始植被,所有這一切,使她成為假日游客的天堂。



Dear linda,

i am glad to know from your last letter that you plan a visit sanya during May day,I went there with my parents two months ago.Here i will give you a brief introduction about sanya then you can familiar with there before going .

Sanya is the most southern city in china,as well it's the only tropical one ,there is without any coldness,and that city attract thousands of tourists from all over the world by means of its nature beauty scenery.The blue sky,white beach,the coconut trees and the like ,you won't forget them once you see them .

I am looking forward to your coming.





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