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上海旅游景點英文攻略 上海的著名景點英文

導(dǎo)讀:上海旅游景點英文攻略 上海的著名景點英文 1. 上海的著名景點英文 2. 上海的著名景點英文作文 3. 上海的著名景點英文名稱 4. 上海的著名景點英文和翻譯 5. 上海的著名景點英文翻譯 6. 上海的著名景點英文旅游介紹

1. 上海的著名景點英文

上海著名景點的英文:Famous Scenic Spots in Shanghai

Spot 讀法 英 [sp?t] 美 [spɑ?t]





1、bright spot 光點;輝點;高興的事

2、a spot of 少量的;一點兒

3、spot market 現(xiàn)貨市場

4、top spot 榜首;最高位置

5、on spot 現(xiàn)場;在現(xiàn)場



site, position, location, scene, situation, spot這組詞都有“地點、位置、場所”的意思,其區(qū)別是:

1、site 指或大或小的地方,既可指供專門用途或特定活動的地點,又可指某一事件的地址。

2、position 多指物體相對于其他物體所處的位置或狀態(tài)。

3、location 指某物設(shè)置的方向或地點。

4、scene 常指真實事件或虛構(gòu)故事發(fā)生的地點。

5、situation 指物體在其周圍環(huán)境中所處的位置或狀態(tài),側(cè)重地點或場所的環(huán)境特征。

6、spot 指相對較小的特定地點或事物所在地。


location 讀法 英 [l?(?)'ke??(?)n] 美 [lo'ke??n]

n. 位置(形容詞locational);地點;外景拍攝場地


1、central location 中央位置;[計]中央單元

2、target location n. 目標(biāo)位置,目標(biāo)定位;目標(biāo)搜索

3、location theory 區(qū)位論;位置理論

4、storage location 存儲單元;存儲位置

5、current location 當(dāng)前位置

2. 上海的著名景點英文作文

如下:Shanghai is a big city in China. There is a big tower “Orental Pearl” on the east side of Huangpu River. Of course, there is Huangpu Bund on the west side of the river. There are many people coming to see the scene at the festival period. Shanghai is also famous in terms of its shops and restaurants. There are hundred thousands people all over the world to visit the city every year.

3. 上海的著名景點英文名稱



1849年在倫敦開始會計師生涯的塞繆爾?普賴斯(Samuel Price)于1865年同威廉·

豪里蘭德(William Holyland)及埃德溫·華特豪斯(Edwin Waterhouse)組建了一家合伙制會計師事務(wù)所,后豪里蘭德很快退出了這家合伙事務(wù)所。1874年,該事務(wù)所被命名為“Price, Waterhouse & Co.”,即后來的“普華”。

與普華一樣,永道同樣起源于19世紀(jì)。1854年,威廉?庫珀(William Cooper)在倫敦建立了自己的會計師事務(wù)所,由于他三個兄弟的加入,該事務(wù)所定名為“Cooper Brothers”。1898年,羅伯?H?蒙哥馬利(Rober H. Montgomery)、威廉?M?萊布蘭德(William M. Lybrand)、亞當(dāng)?A?羅斯(Adam A. Ross)和他的兄弟T?愛德華?羅斯(T. Edward Ross)在美國成立了一家名為“Lybrand, Ross Brothers & Montgomery”的會計師事務(wù)所。這兩家事務(wù)所在1957年合并成為“Coopers & Lybrand”,即后來的“永道”。

在1998年,Price Waterhouse和Coopers & Lybrand合并為PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC),即普華永道。


普華永道在香港稱作“羅兵咸永道”。香港最早的會計師事務(wù)所為Lowe & Bingham,即1903年成立的羅兵咸會計師事務(wù)所。1909年,來自上海的Matthews加入羅兵咸之后,事務(wù)所英文名稱更名為Lowe, Bingham & Matthews (LB&M),后開始與普華(Price Waterhouse)緊密合作,成為了普華在香港的聯(lián)系所。1974年,LB&M被發(fā)展成普華國際的成員所。

容永道先生于1962年在香港創(chuàng)辦了容永道會計師事務(wù)所。事務(wù)所開業(yè)兩年后,當(dāng) 時世界八大會計師事務(wù)所之一Coopers & Lybrand在香港尋找合作伙伴并最終向容永道伸出了橄欖枝。成為八大的成員所后,容永道會計師事務(wù)所的規(guī)模迅速擴(kuò)大,并于1981年在上海開設(shè)辦事處,是全球八大會計師事務(wù)所中第一家在內(nèi)地設(shè)立分支機(jī)構(gòu)的事務(wù)所,開創(chuàng)了香港會計師事務(wù)所和合伙人代表八大會計師事務(wù)所到中國培養(yǎng)人才,發(fā)展業(yè)務(wù)和專業(yè)報國的歷史。


改革開放后,Price Waterhouse進(jìn)入中國。為了避免被常常翻譯成“價格昂貴的水屋”,Price Waterhouse在中國采用中文音譯, 為“普賴斯?華德豪斯國際會計公司”。1992年,財政部會計司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)在審批“普賴斯?華德豪斯國際會計公司”提出的審計執(zhí)照申請時,圈出了其中的“普”字和“華”字,會計行業(yè)一個響當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)拿志痛苏Q生。

Coopers & Lybrand在中國的中文譯名開始是“古柏斯?賴布蘭德”。香港會計師容永道先生不能接受Coopers & Lybrand音譯的中文名字,因為“賴布蘭德”在廣東話中讀出來的意思是“利不來得”或“利不能得”,不吉利。后來他提議把公司取名為“永道”,即永遠(yuǎn)講道德、講道理和講公道。永道會計師事務(wù)所的命名實際上代表了國際會計師事務(wù)所在中國本土化發(fā)展的第一步。







4. 上海的著名景點英文和翻譯

磁懸浮列車maglev train (magnetically levitated train); magnetic suspension train

東方明珠塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower

東海之濱的明珠the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea

歷史文化名城a famous historic and cultural city

龍華寺Longhua Temple

內(nèi)環(huán)線the inner ring; the inner belt way; the inner loop

浦東新區(qū)Pudong New Area

上海合作組織SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization

上海五國機(jī)制the Shanghai Five mechanism

上海合作組織Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a six-member group founded in 2001 that includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan).

萬國建筑博覽exhibition / gallery of International Architecture

外灘the Bund


黃浦江游cruise along the Huangpu River

玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple

豫園Yu Yuan Garden

外高橋保稅區(qū)Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone/ Free-trade Zone

張江高科技園區(qū)Zhangjiang High-tech Park

金橋出口加工區(qū)Jinqiao Export Processing Zone

陸家嘴金融貿(mào)易中心Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone

金貿(mào)大廈Jinmao Tower

城隍廟Town God’s Temple

上海國際會議中心Shanghai International Convention Center

(南浦,楊浦,徐浦,盧浦)大橋Nanpu/ Yangpu/ xupu/ lupu (suspension) Bridge

(浦東)濱江大道Riverside Promenade

外灘觀隧道Sightseeing Tunnel at the Bund

(浦東) 世紀(jì)公園Century Park

上海體育館Shanghai Stadium

上海大劇院Shanghai Grand Theater

上??萍拣^Shanghai Science & Technology Museum


科普教育基地a base for science education

休閑旅游場所a venue for leisure and tourism

展區(qū)exhibition area

地殼探秘Earth’s Crust Exploration

生物萬象Wide Spectrum of life

智慧之光Light of Wisdom

兒童科技園Children’s Technoland

虹口足球場Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium

上海植物園Shanghai Botanical Garden

松江大學(xué)城Songjiang College Town

5. 上海的著名景點英文翻譯

historic: famous in history associated with past times imaginable: that can be imagined beautiful perfect...

6. 上海的著名景點英文旅游介紹

There are many red cultural attractions in Shanghai, such as the former residence of Mao Zedong, the former residence of Song Qingling, the former residence of Liu Changsheng, the memorial hall of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the memorial hall of the second National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the former site of the Secretariat of the Chinese labor union.

1. In fact, there are a lot of historical things in the memorial hall of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, including the new chapter on the administration of state affairs - the cultural relics of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. This one is free and can be used

Take your children to have a look and increase your knowledge of history. Location: close to Xintiandi. At that time, we took the subway to Huangpi South Road and got there. What impresses me most is the wax figure on the scene of a big meeting, which is very lifelike.   

2. Memorial Hall of the second National Congress of the Communist Party of China

It's a well-known tourist resort. Generally, the Tour team used to visit and study. Many students are organized by schools, as if they are close to Xintiandi. So after visiting, you can feel it in the new world.   

3. Exhibition hall of historical materials of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China

The first time was in Xintiandi. The second time was a small building on the edge of the green land, and the fourth Cultural Road on Duolun Road. Here are abundant historical photos, historical materials and a large number of objects.   

4. Memorial Hall of the Shanghai Office of the Communist Party of China Delegation (Zhou mansion)

When you go to the ticket office, you can get the tickets free of charge. Because you go alone, you can still ask the master of the ticket office to help you take a picture. I feel that the whole building is very harmonious. Unfortunately, the hall in the courtyard is not too big. There is no place to take a picture with the statue of Premier Zhou

5. Longhua martyrs cemetery

The cemetery is nothing more than looking at the tombstones and epitaphs of some martyrs. Although it's not as interesting as other places to visit, it's full of solemnity, sadness and unusual silence.   

6. Mao Zedong's former residence

It's closer to South Shaanxi road. It's easy to find. The house is very small. Inside, you can also meet many visitors who have a lot of research on the revolutionary cause. It has a good environment and is full of scholarly taste.  

7. Sun Yat Sen's former residence

It's free when you go. I don't know how it is now. In fact, it's a bit depressing when you come to such a place. After all, you go to visit the memorial hall of Sun Yat Sen's former residence with a heart of remembrance, but it's still a very educational place.   

8. Former residence of Song Qingling

The room is very simple and simple, and the environment is very quiet. It can't be seen that it used to be the place where Soong Ching Ling lived. After the visit, I realized that some things were not said by others. I realized that the personality charm of great people is really infinite.   

9. Lu Xun Memorial Hall

There are many things of Lu Xun's life on display. If you like the excitement, you don't have to come in. See ing some of the old man's manuscripts, clothes, and some very old photos, his heart naturally calmed down.   

10. Taofen Memorial

It took a lot of effort to find it. In the family area, in addition to the memorial, the furniture and working environment at that time were also preserved. In fact, there are many such memorials in Shanghai, which are of great value for visiting and learning from history.


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