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遼寧景點介紹英文 沈陽景點英文名稱

導讀:遼寧景點介紹英文 沈陽景點英文名稱 1. 沈陽景點英文名稱 2. 沈陽景點英文名稱介紹 3. 沈陽景點英文名稱有哪些 4. 沈陽景點的英文 5. 沈陽景點英文名稱是什么

1. 沈陽景點英文名稱

Today, my mother took me to go to the Expo Park of Shenyang. After where, a door is a golden egg, walking is a garden and then to the right, walk to the left is a fountain, is the studio, there are a lot of fun, good-looking, fun. After returning the home, I put this thing with my grandma said, today I old happy.中文:游覽沈陽今天,媽媽帶我去沈陽世博園。到了哪里以后,一進門就是一個大金蛋,再往右走是一座花園,往前走是噴泉,往左走是照相館,這里面有很多好玩的,好看的,好玩的。


2. 沈陽景點英文名稱介紹

The shenyang locates at in the Chinese northeast in the river littoral.

There is the population of N,cover the area N square meter.( the concrete arithmetic figure internet access checks)

Have ever been used as the industry city but publicity,now of because traveled the industry.

There is a lot of famous spots historic monument,draw on a lot of visitors annually to this sightseeing.

One of the city of Olympicses,center were set up.

The civilization become more and more important in society,the natural environment also become more and more good,

Transportation method too contain very big progress.

Everybody is working hard and ising a home town more beautiful,I too the for the home country feel proud of.

3. 沈陽景點英文名稱有哪些

Hunnanxin District,Shenyang,Liaoning Province,China注意:郵差是中國人,要保證他能看懂,老外能不能看懂不重要,只要他能type in就可以了。

4. 沈陽景點的英文

“中國遼寧省沈陽市皇姑區(qū)苗山路” 翻譯成英文是:Mountain road seedling mountain, Shenyang, Liaoning province, China

5. 沈陽景點英文名稱是什么

中文名稱: 首爾 面積: 605.77平方千米 人口: 1050萬(2007年) 中文名稱: 沈陽 外文名稱: shenyang 行政區(qū)類別: 省會城市 所屬地區(qū): 中國東北 面積: 12948平方公里 人口: 776.3萬人


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