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導(dǎo)讀:夏威夷的旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹(夏威夷的景點(diǎn)主要有哪些) 關(guān)于美國夏威夷景點(diǎn)的簡略介紹 求翻譯 美國各大旅游景點(diǎn) 中英文 要著名的 夏威夷英文簡介

關(guān)于美國夏威夷景點(diǎn)的簡略介紹 求翻譯

Hawaii is located in the central Pacific Ocean Hawaiian Islands, underground fire in the mountains of the sea extends 1,523 miles long. Formed by the volcano of eight major islands, 124 small islands, surrounded by the islands in the vicinity of the reef, pinnacles that combination. There were people living in the islands: Niihau Island (Hello Island), Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and Hawaii's Big Island (west to east). As is located in the southwest of Maui eighth main islands "Kahoollaweii" (Kahoolawe

美國各大旅游景點(diǎn) 中英文 要著名的

1、夏威夷(Hawaii State)



2、紐約(New York City)

紐約市(New York City,簡稱NYC),位于美國紐約州東南部大西洋沿岸,是美國第一大城市及第一大港口,紐約都市圈為世界上最大的城市圈之一,與英國倫敦、中國香港并稱為“紐倫港”(Nylonkong)。紐約與倫敦并列為全世界最頂級的國際大都市。2018年11月,紐約被GaWC評為Alpha++級世界一線城市。

3、拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)

拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas) 是美國內(nèi)華達(dá)州最大的城市,克拉克縣的縣治,也是座享有極高國際聲譽(yù)的城市。



4、洛杉磯(Los Angeles)



5、尼亞加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)

亞加瀑布(Niagara Falls)位于加拿大安大略省和美國紐約州的交界處,瀑布源頭為尼亞加拉河,主瀑布位于加拿大境內(nèi),是瀑布的最佳觀賞地;在美國境內(nèi)瀑布由月亮島隔開,觀賞的是瀑布側(cè)面。

尼亞加拉河的水流沖下懸崖至下游重新匯合,在不足2公里長的河段里以每小時35.4公里的速度跌蕩而下15.8米的落差,演繹出世界上最狂野的漩渦急流,經(jīng)過左岸加拿大的昆斯頓、右岸美國的利維斯頓,沖過“魔鬼洞急流”,沿著最后的“利維斯頓支流峽谷”由西向東 進(jìn)入安大略湖。



Hawaii (Hawaii) is the largest island in the Hawaiian islands, and said, is located in the southernmost islands archipelago, have rich volcanic activities, volcanoes national park, the Chinese say again volcanic island. Island of Hawaii county. The main city have the branch with the west May 2008.

In the central Pacific a state. By the Hawaiian islands. Total 1.67 million square kilometers. In 2000, the resident population 1,211,537 to Hawaii. Is the only half of the states. White but White, about one-third of the map, Hawaii, the Polynesian, Philippines, Chinese and Korean. The capital and largest city of Honolulu (Honolulu). About five centuries, the Polynesian from the south Pacific moved to this. In 1795 most islands were card beautiful ha ha, that I may build 1810 to conquer the kingdom of Hawaii. In 1893, the overthrow kingdoms built a republic. In 1898, American annexation become a United States in 1959. Pacific Shanghai machinery and air transportation is very important strategic position. Main eight islands and more than 120 island, from southeast to northwest oblique tropic, across more than 2,400 from the wind, km northwest of Hawaii to the library ray island (not including midway island). The eight main tropic islands in the south, equivalent to narrow the Hawaiian islands, Hawaii, maui, card HuLa wei island, lanai island, molokai, oahu, love island, hao island. The island is huge fissure eruption of adjacent formation volcanic island. On the island of Hawaii's mauna volcanic (4,170 m high), kilauea (1,247 meters) are active volcanoes, often from the top of the mountain ridge crater and fissure overflow lava flows. Throughout the northeast, the island in the trade wind and rainfall is rich in northeast slope more tropical rainforests, Due to the lack of rain, southwest slope dry savannas more. To give priority to with sugar cane, agriculture, animal husbandry and pineapple, flowers, such as important. Industry with sugar, food processing tinned pineapples, etc. Hawaii is a military base at Pearl Harbor, such big and base. Tourism is the main source of economic state, from the native American, Asia, Western Europe and other places in the visitors can reach more than 300 million (1983).



美國在太平洋中部的一州。由夏威夷群島組成??偯娣e1.67萬平方公里。2000年夏威夷州的常住人口為1,211,537人。是美國唯一白種人不過半數(shù)的州。白種人約占三分之一,其余為日夏威夷地圖本人、玻利尼西亞人、菲律賓人、中國人、朝鮮人。首府和最大城市火奴魯魯(檀香山)。約五世紀(jì)時,玻利尼西亞人從南太平洋移居到此。1795年大部分島嶼被卡美哈梅哈一世所征服,1810年建夏威夷王國。1893年王國被推翻,次年建共和國。1898年被美國吞并,1959年成為美國的一州。太平洋上海交通要地,戰(zhàn)略位置十分重要。主要有8個大島和120多個小島,自東南向西北斜跨北回歸線,延伸2,400多公里,即從東南端的夏威夷島到西北端的庫雷島(不包括中途島)。主要的8個島嶼在北回歸線南側(cè),相當(dāng)于狹義的夏威夷群島,即夏威夷? ??、毛伊島、卡胡拉韋島、拉奈島、莫洛凱島、瓦胡島、考愛島、尼豪島。各島是從洋底巨大裂隙噴發(fā)形成的火山島。夏威夷島上的冒納羅亞火山(海拔4,170米)、基拉韋厄火山(海拔1,247米)都是活火山,常常從山頂火口和山腰裂隙溢出熔巖流。終年盛行東北信風(fēng),各島迎風(fēng)的東北坡降水豐富,多熱帶雨林;背風(fēng)的西南坡干燥少雨,多熱帶草原。向以農(nóng)業(yè)為主,以甘蔗、菠蘿、花卉、畜牧等為重要。工業(yè)以制糖、菠蘿罐頭等食品加工為主。夏威夷是軍事要地,有珍珠港等大的海空軍基地。旅游業(yè)發(fā)達(dá),是州經(jīng)濟(jì)的主要來源,來自美國本土、東亞、西歐等地的游客年可達(dá)300多萬(1983年)。


Hawaii is a pearl on the Pacific Ocean. It 3846 kilometers east from San Francisco, Tokyo, Japan, Hong Kong 62 8890 km. Is the Pacific sea transport hub.

Mark Twain said: Hawaii is beautiful islands of ocean, is the most lovely anchor in the sea island of fleet.

The Hawaiian islands are by 124 island and eight large groups of hawaiians beaches scenery, curved crescent chain with the central Pacific Ocean waters, so a "crossing" and "us" the gateway to Asia. It has a land area of 16641 square kilometers, is the largest island, Hawaii by 5 volcano, including the world's dimension for most active volcano. Mauna volcanic eruptions once every years, from the mountains of lava blazing in the gap of Hawaii, slowly become a spectacle. Is the third largest island of oahu, Hawaii political and cultural center. Honolulu capital -- Statewide 1.1 million people living on the island of 80%. Hawaii is famous for the yankees, Honolulu, will beaches and Pearl Harbor.

Hawaii is located in tropical climate is mild, the economy is based on agriculture, mainly produce sugarcane and pineapple. Fishing is also an important part of the local economy. But in recent years, a Hawaiian tourism development by leaps and bounds, tourism income has grown industries. In 1991, charge $100 for tourism, the defense industry, sugar and pineapple three main areas of the economy of all income twice, become the important economic pillar.

Hawaii travel industry in the world, is one of the most developed. However, not attract tourists attractions, but it's beautiful environment, as well as the unique traditional Hawaiian enthusiasm and friendliness, sincere. Hawaiian scenery beautiful beach charming, sun nebula, the irregular change under the sky, colorful landscape: the beautiful parasol sandy beach, will flower, In the evening, JiaoLin coconut trees for lovers to sing sing low, The moonlight, Polynesian dancing in the mat. Hawaii's voice of the sea, the flowers for tourists and played a beautiful romanze.

The Hawaiian honest and hospitable. When the sightseeing ship off to Hawaii, a large number of fire of Hawaii, drive the boat near the ship, the wreath colors for visitors, and Shouting welcomes slogan "aloha", fully express their most sincere welcome Chen. Dialect, general aloha is interpreted, hello, etc., welcome friendly and blessing, each to Hawaii to learn all these words. "Aloha" still say, "I love you". Garland called "rapunzel, Hawaiian always hand, meet an acquaintance, welcome the wreath riazor or guest, all want to send garland, as we meet handshake. So in Hawaii, you often see people wearing - 20.

Most visitors hula is forgetten. HuLa hula "dance", is a kind of attention and action and the waist of dance. The night breeze flushes water-like moonlight, the coconut trees, Hawaiian shirt of youth, holding the guitar, playing with the beautiful music, singing, the deep heart of love. Dancing girls, hanging in the golden garland, grass skirt with music melody and rhythm, show beautiful posture. Pure feeling, like to atmosphere, picturesque emotional appeal, intoxicating, call a person. Praise volcano goddess "dance", which enjoy the tourists. Volcanic eruptions to native hawaiians, and they brought shock is jittery. So that their wrecks the world, but that was volcano goddess. Then they made a dance, to praise ", "the greatest volcano goddess in the original callsign, crazy face with a group of aboriginal, color around the campfire. Burning?

Oahu the culture center, rivers, lakes, lush tropical plants will center in Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji divided, tonga, Tahiti, marquesas, 7 Maori village, representative, 7 different culture, each village architecture are keeping hundreds of years ago from different aspects of traditional style, reflecting the national culture, is to attract visitors fist project.

Most of the people on the island of Hawaii employment, individual income tax on the state, and every year to Hawaii and sightseeing in an endless stream of 700 million tourists at home and abroad. According to the bank of Hawaii travel there, tourists expenditures for 2, spread effect that visitors each expenditure $l, will make the local production value of $2. The local tourism revenue, Hawaii 60% of the total economic growth than America's economy has an average level of growth.

Because of the economy in Hawaii tourism plays a decisive role in Hawaii, therefore, environmental protection, government attaches great importance to the development of tourism resources and attention to protect "clean" industry, such as ocean science, aquaculture, tropical agriculture, financial services, business center, etc, so as to promote the development of tourism, and promote economic development.

The tourists to Hawaii, 70% of the United States, but in recent years, Japanese tourists. In 1988, Japan has 850 million people to travel abroad, which has more than 130 million will go to Hawaii, the number of visitors to the continental United States. The Japanese this years in Hawaii buy in large quantities of land property, build hotels and villa, individuals and businesses are there. Now Hawaii hotel and almost 80% of the senior golf course, are all for the Japanese have.

In 1990 the United States according to census figures, from Asia Pacific island or of Hawaii 62% of 1.1 million people. Japan is one of the biggest Asian minorities in Hawaii, followed by the aboriginal people, Chinese, Vietnamese, koreans, Thailand, Laos and people. Ethnic intermarriage is the norm. Allegedly, every 3 people have a "hybrid". The racial boundaries fade intermarriage, make each nation can get along. Visitors from a fast and can see the Hawaii is known as "paradise" meaning race. It's probably Japanese sugar roast beef, may also be Irish flavor, or beef stew for sausage, China is Vienna rolls and north Korea's DaGao. All visitors here in restaurants, can enjoy all kinds of snacks for your taste.




夏威夷群島是由124個小島和8個大島組夏威夷海灘風(fēng)光成的新月形島鏈,彎彎地鑲嵌在太平洋中部水域,所以有“太平洋十字路口”和“美國通往亞太的門戶”之稱。它的陸地面積為16641平方公里,面積最大的是夏威夷島,由5座火山組成,其中基拉維厄火山為世界活火山之最。冒納羅亞火山每隔若干年噴發(fā)一次,熾烈的熔巖從山隙中緩緩流出,成為? ??威夷的一大奇觀。瓦胡島是第三大島,也是夏威夷政治、文化中心——首府檀香山所在地。全州110萬人的80%居住在該島上。夏威夷的聞名之地有:檀香山、威爾基海灘和珍珠港。






夏威夷島上居民的大部分勞動就業(yè)、個人收入以及州政府的稅收都依靠每年絡(luò)繹不絕到夏威夷游覽觀光的700萬國內(nèi)外游客。據(jù)夏威夷銀行計算,游客在那里旅游支出的波及效應(yīng)為2,即游客每支出 l美元,將使當(dāng)?shù)氐目偖a(chǎn)值增加2美元。旅游收入占當(dāng)?shù)乜偖a(chǎn)值的60%,使夏威夷的經(jīng)濟(jì)增長率始終高于美國經(jīng)濟(jì)的平均增長水平。





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