男女交性高清视频全过程,国亚洲日韩国产欧美另类 ,乱女伦一级a片 ,特级婬片a片aaa毛片


導(dǎo)讀:介紹巴厘島旅游景點(diǎn)英文(印度尼西亞巴厘島英文介紹) 巴厘島的英文介紹 巴厘島各景點(diǎn)英文名 巴厘島的英文? 誰有巴厘島的英文簡介(要全)附中文 想要巴里島和大溪地的英文介紹 巴厘島各景點(diǎn)的英文名是什么?


Bali is one of over 13,000 islands in the Indonesian archipelago and is located just over 2 kilometres from the eastern tip of the island of Java and west of the island of Lombok. The island home of approximately 4 million people is approximately 144 kilometres from east to west and 80 kilometres north to south.

Tabanan Rice PaddiesThe islands varied landscape of hills and mountains, rugged coastlines and sandy beaches, lush rice terraces and barren volcanic hillsides provide a picturesque backdrop to the colourful and deeply spiritual culture of this 'Island of The Gods'.


Tanah Lot (海神廟)-必去景點(diǎn),巴厘島地標(biāo)性建筑

Pura Tirtha Empul (圣泉廟


uluwatu (烏魯瓦度--俗稱情人崖)

金巴蘭海灘(Jimbaran Beach)-吃海鮮BBQ,看日落,最美夕陽

Kuta Beach(庫塔海灘)-這里近市區(qū),可在KUTA洋人街逛逛

烏布傳統(tǒng)市場(Pasar Ubud),這里有皇宮,還可以去看看。


Bali Batik Village(巴厘島蠟染村,可去看看)

羅威娜海灘(Lovina Beach)--這個(gè)不推薦,太遠(yuǎn),在巴厘島最北部







巴厘島:Bali Island(來自《新英漢大詞典》)


巴厘島,行政上稱為巴厘省,位于印度尼西亞,是著名的旅游勝地。省會(huì)設(shè)于島上南部的丹帕沙,距印尼首都雅加達(dá)1000多公里,與爪哇島之間僅有3.2公里寬海峽相隔,面積約5630平方公里,人口約315萬。 巴厘島是印尼唯一信奉印度教的地區(qū)。80%的人信奉印度教。通行印尼語和英語,普通話在景點(diǎn)及購物點(diǎn)一般也通行。 巴厘島上大部分為山地,全島山脈縱橫,地勢東高西低。島上還有四五座完整的錐形火山峰,其中阿貢火山海拔3142米,是島上的最高點(diǎn)。沙努爾、努沙-杜爾和庫達(dá)等處的海灘,是島上景色最美的海濱浴場,這里沙細(xì)灘闊、海水湛藍(lán)清澈。每年來此游覽的各國游客絡(luò)繹不絕。 由于巴厘島萬種風(fēng)情,景物甚為綺麗。因此,它還享有多種別稱,如“神明之島”、“惡魔之島”、“羅曼斯島”、“綺麗之島”、“天堂之島”、“魔幻之島”、“花之島”等。



What Happened In Bali ; Ballieseo saengkin il ; Something Happened in Bali ; Remember


Ocean Blue Hotel Bali


Bali Roadmap






The country?nevertheless?plans to?extend?the?programme?to?Bali?and?parts?of?Sumatra?—?andgo?for?the?long haul.


And?these?extremists?have?killed?in?Amman?and?Bali;?Islamabad?and?Kabul; and?they?have the?blood?of?Americans?and?Russians?on their hands.


巴厘島不但天然景色優(yōu)美迷人,其文化和社會(huì)風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣的豐富多彩也馳名于世。巴厘人的古典舞蹈典雅多姿,在世界舞蹈藝術(shù)中具有獨(dú)特的地位,亦是印尼民族舞蹈中一枝鮮艷的奇葩。其中,獅子與劍舞最具代表性。 巴厘的雕刻木雕石雕)、繪畫和手工業(yè)品也以其精湛的技藝,獨(dú)特的風(fēng)格遐邇聞名。在島上處處可見木石的精美雕像和浮雕,因此,該島又有“藝術(shù)之島”之譽(yù)?,斔故窃搷u著名的木雕中心。巴厘的繪畫別具一格,大都是用膠和礦物顏料畫在粗麻布或白帆布上,主題取材于田園風(fēng)光和人民生活習(xí)俗,具有濃郁的地方色彩。因此,巴厘島素有“詩之島”、“東方希臘”的美稱。位于島中部的鳥穆是繪畫中心,博物館內(nèi)保存著許多歷史文物和巨幅繪畫。 在鳥穆附近,有一座呈方形的千年古洞——象洞,洞深只有二、三米,洞內(nèi)雕有栩栩如生的神像。在加威山上有著名的四大石刻像,另有5座神龕分立于大石像之前;在半山腰建有淡巴西冷的總統(tǒng)行宮。 巴厘島象洞廟的一個(gè)佛像 在島中部的生宜有著名的猴子廟,猴子成群結(jié)隊(duì)。其北有風(fēng)景優(yōu)美的比都庫湖。著名的京打馬尼,氣候涼爽,由此可遠(yuǎn)望頂峰終年煙霧迷朦的巴都火山。巴都山下的巴都湖也以風(fēng)光優(yōu)美著稱。島東南部的格龍宮是著名的古代巴厘王朝法庭所在地,宮殿氣派雄偉,四面有護(hù)城河,屋頂繪滿犯人受刑時(shí)的畫像。島西南海濱的丹那樂,岸邊高地建有廟宇,因長年海浪沖蝕,使此地與本島相離25米,形成孤島,每當(dāng)海潮上漲,宙宇在波濤中似沉似浮,宛如水中宮殿。 巴厘島居民每年舉行的宗教節(jié)日近200個(gè),每逢節(jié)日,歌舞雜陳。由于巴厘島萬種風(fēng)情,景物甚為綺麗。因此,它還享有多種別稱,如“神明之島”、“惡魔之島”、“羅曼斯島”、“綺麗之島”、“天堂之島”、“魔幻之島”等。在自然科學(xué)上,1869年生物學(xué)家華萊斯還發(fā)現(xiàn)巴厘島是亞洲大陸的“末梢”,典型的亞洲動(dòng)物分布至此為止,而在它東方僅隔寬度不到40公里的海峽的龍目島,動(dòng)物即屬大洋洲種。

Bali is not only beautiful natural charm of its rich and varied cultural and social customs are also worldwide. Balinese classical dance, elegant and diverse in the world, the art of dance has a unique position, is also Indonesia's national dance in a bright wonderful work. Among them, The Lion and the sword dance most representative. Bali sculpture (wood carving, stone carving), painting and crafts are also for its exquisite and unique style is well known. Everywhere on the island of exquisite wood and stone statues and reliefs, therefore, the island has "Art Island" reputation. Masi is well-known wood center island. Bali painting unique, mostly with plastic and mineral pigments painted on burlap or white canvas on the t heme drawn from the pastoral scenery and the people's living habits, with rich local color. Therefore, the Bali is known as "Island of Poetry," "East Greek" the laudatory name. Bird Island is located in the central part of Mu is the painting center, the museum preserved many historical relics and the huge painting. Mu near the bird, there is a square shape and the Millennium Kwu Tung — — such as holes, the hole depth is only two or three meters inside the cave, carved with life-like statues. In the Algarve the four famous mountains like a stone, and another five in the large stone altar before the separation; built in hillside cold light of Brazil's presidential palace. Bali as the hole of a Buddhist temple in the central island of Health advised the famous monkey temple monkeys in groups. The north is endowed with scenic lake than are libraries. Beijing to play the famous Mani, climate is cool, it can be seen year-round smoke Mi Meng Yuan Wang peak Batu volcano. The foot of Batu Batu lake also known for its beautiful scenery. Island, southeast Georgia is famous for underwater Bali Dynasty of ancient seat of the Tribunal, majestic style palace surrounded by a moat, when the roof painted over the portrait of tortured prisoners. Island, southwest of Tanah beach music, beach Heights built temples, because of years of wave erosion, so that here, with 25 meters away from the island phase, forming an island, whenever the tide rise, Zhou Yu Shen seems like the waves and the floating, like water palaces. Bali residents on their annual religious festival held in nearly 200 on festive occasions, song and dance have grown complex. As the Bali million species and customs, scenery very lai. Therefore, it enjoys a variety of nicknames such as "Island of the gods," "Devil's Island", "Romance Island", "lai Island," "Paradise Island", "Magic Island" and so on. In the natural sciences, the 1869 Bali biologist Wallace also found that the Asian continent "tips", a typical distribution of Animals Asia at this point, but in it the East twin appointment in less than 40 km width of the Strait of Lombok and animal species that belong to Oceania.



Bali is an Indonesian island located at 8°25′23〃S, 115°14′55〃ECoordinates: 8°25′23〃S, 115°14′55〃E, the westernmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands, lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. It is one of the country's 33 provinces with the provincial capital at Denpasar towards the south of the island. The island is home to the vast majority of Indonesia's small Hindu minority. It is also the largest tourist destination in the country and is renowned for its highly developed arts, including dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking and music.

Bali has been inhabited since early prehistoric times firstly by descendants of a prehistoric race who migrated through mainland Asia to the Indonesian archipelago, thought to have first settled in Bali around 3000 BC.[citation needed] Stone tools dating from this time have been found near the village of Cekik in the island's west.

The end of the prehistoric period in Indonesia was marked by the arrival of Hindu people from India around 100 BC as determined by Brahmi inscriptions on potsherds. The name Balidwipa has been discovered from various inscriptions, including the Blanjong charter issued by Sri Kesari Warmadewa in 913 AD and mentioning Walidwipa. It was during this time that the complex irrigation system subak was developed to grow rice. Some religious and cultural traditions still in existence today can be traced back to this period. The Hindu Majapahit Empire (1293–1520 AD) on eastern Java founded a Balinese colony in 1343. When the empire declined, there was an exodus of intellectuals, artists, priests and musicians from Java to Bali in the 15th century.

The First European contact with Bali is thought to have been when Dutch explorer Cornelis de Houtman arrived in 1597, though a Portuguese ship had foundered off the Bukit Peninsula as early as 1585.[citation needed] Dutch rule over Bali came later, was more aggressively fought for, and they were never ultimately able to establish themselves as they had in other parts of Indonesia such as Java and Maluku.

In the 1840s, a presence in Bali was established, first in the island's north, by playing off various distrustful Balinese realms against each other. The Dutch mounted large naval and ground assaults first against the Sanur region and then Denpasar. The Balinese were hopelessly overwhelmed in number and armament, but rather than face the humiliation of surrender, they mounted a final defensive but suicidal assault, or puputan. Despite Dutch pleas for surrender, an estimated 4,000 Balinese marched to their death against the invaders. Afterwards the Dutch governors exercised little influence over the island, generally allowing local control over religion and culture to remain intact.

Japan occupied Bali during World War II during which time a Balinese military officer, Gusti Ngurah Rai, formed a Balinese 'freedom army'. Following Japan's Pacific surrender in August 1945, the Dutch promptly returned to Indonesia, including Bali, immediately to reinstate their pre-war colonial administration. This was resisted by the Balinese rebels now using Japanese weapons.

On 20 November 1946, the Battle of Marga was fought in Tabanan in central Bali. Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai, 29 years old, finally rallied his forces in east Bali at Marga Rana, where they made a suicide attack on the heavily armed Dutch. The Balinese battalion was entirely wiped out, breaking the last thread of Balinese military resistance. In 1946 the Dutch constituted Bali as one of the 13 administrative districts of the newly-proclaimed Republic of East Indonesia, a rival state to the Republic of Indonesia which was proclaimed and headed by Sukarno and Hatta. Bali was included in the ‘’Republic of the United States of Indonesia’’ when the Netherlands recognised Indonesian independence on Dec. 29, 1949. In 1956 Bali officially renounced the Dutch union and legally became a province within the Republic of Indonesia.

The 1963 eruption of Mount Agung killed thousands, created econo mic havoc and forced many displaced Balinese to be transmigrated to other parts of Indonesia.

In 1965, after a failed coup d'etat in Jakarta against the national government of Indonesia, Bali, along with other regions of Indonesia most notably Java, was the scene of widespread killings of (often falsely-accused) members and sympathizers of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) by right-wing General Soeharto-sponsored militias. Possibly more than 100,000 Balinese were killed although the exact numbers are unknown to date and the events remain legally unclosed.[citation needed] Many unmarked but well known mass graves of victims are located around the island[citation needed].

On October 12, 2002, a car bomb attack in the tourist resort of Kuta killed 202 people, largely foreign tourists and injured a further 209. Further bombings occurred three years later in Kuta and nearby Jimbaran Bay.

Bali lies 3.2 km east of Java and approximately 8 degrees south of the equator. East to west, the island is approximately 153 km wide and 112 km north to south (95 by 69 miles, respectively), with a surface area of 5,632 km2. The highest point is Mount Agung at 3,142 m (10,308 feet) high, an active volcano that last erupted in March 1963. Mountains cover centre to the eastern side, with Mount Agung the easternmost peak. Mount Batur (1,717 m) is also still active. About 30,000 years ago it experienced a catastrophic eruption — one of the largest known volcanic events on Earth.

In the south the land descends to form an alluvial plain, watered by shallow rivers, drier in the dry season and overflowing during periods of heavy rain.

The principal cities are the northern port of Singaraja, the former colonial capital of Bali, and the present provincial capital and largest city, Denpasar, near the southern coast. The town of Ubud (north of Denpasar), with its art market, museums and galleries, is arguably the cultural center of Bali.

There are major coastal roads and roads that cross the island mainly north-south. Due to the mountainous terrain in the island's center, the roads tend to follow the crests of the ridges across the mountains. There are no railway lines.

The island is surrounded by coral reefs. Beaches in the south tend to have white sand while those in the north and west black sand. The beach town of Padangbai in the south east has both: the main beach and the secret beach have white sand and the south beach and the blue lagoon have much darker sand. Pasut Beach, near Ho River and Pura Segara, is a quiet beach 14 km southwest of Tabanan. The Ho River is navigable by small sampan. Black sand beaches between Pasut and Klatingdukuh are being developed for tourism, but apart from the seaside temple of Tanah Lot, this is not yet a tourist area.

Bali is famous for many forms of art, including painting, sculpture, woodcarving, handcrafts, and performing arts. Balinese gamelan music is highly developed and varied. The dances portray stories from Hindu epics such as the Ramayana. Famous Balinese dances include pendet, legong, baris, topeng, barong, and kecak (the monkey dance).

National education programs, mass media and tourism continue to change Balinese culture. Immigration from other parts of Indonesia, especially Java, is changing the ethnic composition of Bali's population.

The Hindu new year, Nyepi, is celebrated in the spring by a day of silence. On this day everyone stays at home and tourists are encouraged to remain in their hotels. On the preceding day large, colorful sculptures of ogoh-ogoh monsters are paraded and finally burned in the evening to drive away evil spirits. Other festivals throughout the year are specified by the Balinese pawukon calendrical system.

Tahiti is the largest island of French Polynesia, located in the archipelago of Society Islands in the southern Pacific Ocean at 17°40′S, 149°30′W. The island had a population of 169,677 inhabitants according to the 2002 census. (This makes it the most populated island of French Polynesia holdin g 69% of the total population.) The capital is Papeete, on the northwest coast. Tahiti has also been historically known as Otaheite.

Tahiti is some 45 km (28 mi) long at the widest point and covers 1,048 km2 (404 sq mi), with the highest elevation being at 2,241 m (7,352 ft) above sea level (Mount Orohena). The island consists of two roughly round portions centered on volcanic mountains, connected by a short isthmus named after the small town of Taravao, which sits there. The northwestern part is known as Tahiti Nui ("big Tahiti"), and the southeastern part, much smaller, is known as Tahiti Iti ("small Tahiti") or Taiarapu. Whereas Tahiti Nui is quite heavily populated (especially around Papeete) and benefits from rather good infrastructure such as roads and highways, Tahiti Iti has remained quite isolated, its southeastern half (Te Pari) being accessible only by boat or hiking.

The vegetation is tremendously lush rain forest.

Some references mistakely label November through April as Tahiti's wet season. But, per a 2001 UCLA research study done using years of government cataloged weather data, the islands of Tahiti receive, on average, more hours of sun, and less hours of rain, than Hawaii does year round. Graphs demonstrating the results of the study can be found at Tahiti Tourisme North America's website (the official government sanctioned site for the destination).

Tahiti was estimated to have settled by Polynesians between AD 300 and 800 coming from Tonga and Samoa, although some estimates place the date earlier. The fertile island soil combined with fishing provided ample food for the population.

Although the first European sighting of the islands was by a Spanish ship in 1606, Spain made no effort to trade with or colonize the island. Samuel Wallis, an English sea captain, sighted Tahiti on June 18, 1767, and is considered the first European visitor to the island. The perceived relaxed and contented nature of the local people and the characterization of the island as a paradise much impressed early European visitors, planting the seed for a romanticization by the West that endures to this day.

Wallis was followed in April 1768 by the French explorer Louis-Antoine de Bougainville who was completing the first French circumnavigation. Bougainville made Tahiti famous in Europe when he published the account of his travel in Voyage autour du Monde. He described the island as an earthly paradise where men and women live happily in innocence, away from the corruption of civilization. His account of the island powerfully illustrated the concept of the noble savage, and influenced the utopian thoughts of philosophers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau before the advent of the French Revolution.

In 1774 Captain James Cook visited the island, and estimated the population at that time to be some 200,000. This was probably too high; another estimate from the same period was 121,500. After Cook's visit, European ships landed on the island with ever greater frequency. The best-known of these ships was HMS Bounty, whose crew mutinied shortly after leaving Tahiti in 1789. The European influence caused significant disruption to the traditional society, by bringing prostitution, venereal diseases, and alcohol to the island. Introduced diseases including typhus and smallpox killed so many Tahitians that by 1797, the island's population was only about 16,000. Later it was to drop as low as 6,000.

In 1842, a European crisis involving Morocco escalated between France and Great Britain when Admiral Dupetit Thouars, acting independently of the French government, was able to convince Tahiti's Queen Pomare IV to accept a French protectorate. George Pritchard, a Birmingham-born missionary and acting British Consul, had been away at the time of the agreement. However he returned to work towards indoctrinating the locals against the Roman Catholic French. In November 1843, Dupetit-Thouars (again completely on his own initiative) landed sailors on the island, formally annexing it to France. He then proc eeded to throw Pritchard into prison, subsequently sending him unceremoniously back to Britain.

News of the events in Tahiti reached Europe in early 1844. The French statesman Fran?ois Guizot, supported by King Louis-Philippe of France, had strongly denounced the annexation of the island. However, war between the French and the Tahitians continued until 1847. The island remained a French protectorate until June 29, 1880, when King Pomare V (1842–1891) was forced to cede the sovereignty of Tahiti and its dependencies to France. He was given the titular position of Officer of the Orders of the Legion of Honour and Agricultural Merit of France. In 1946, Tahiti and the whole of French Polynesia became a Territoire d'outre-mer (French overseas territory). In 2003, this status was changed to that of Collectivité d'outre-mer (French overseas community).

French painter Paul Gauguin lived on Tahiti in the 1890s and painted many Tahitian subjects. Papeari has a small Gauguin museum.

Tahitians are French citizens with full civil and political rights. The Tahitian language and the French language are both in use.

Tahiti is part of French Polynesia (Polynesie Fran?aise). French Polynesia is now a semi-autonomous territory of France with its own assembly, President, budget and laws. France's influence is limited to providing subsidies, education and security. The current President of French Polynesia, Oscar Temaru, is advocating full independence from France, however, only about 20% of the population is currently in favor of full independence.

During a press conference on June 26, 2006 during the second France-Oceania Summit, French President Jacques Chirac said he did not think the majority of Tahitians wanted independence. He said he would keep an open door to a possible referendum in the future.

Elections for the Assembly of French Polynesia, the Territorial Assembly of French Polynesia, were held on May 23, 2004 (see French Polynesian legislative election, 2004). In a surprise result, Oscar Temaru's pro-independence progressive coalition formed a Government with a one seat majority in the 57 seat parliament, defeating the conservative party led by Gaston Flosse (see also List of political parties in French Polynesia). On October 8, 2004, the Gaston Flosse led opposition party succeeded in passing a censure motion against the Government, provoking a political crisis. A major topic of controversy is whether the national government of France should use its exceptional power to call for new elections in a local government, in case of a grave political crisis.

Tahiti hosts a French university, Université de la Polynésie Fran?aise ("University of French Polynesia"). It is a small growing university, with around 2,000 students and about 60 researchers.

Tourism is a significant industry, mostly to the islands of Bora Bora and Moorea. In July, the Heiva festival in Papeete celebrates Polynesian culture and the commemoration of the storming of the Bastille in France.

Black pearl farming is also a substantial source of revenues, most of the pearls being exported to Japan, Europe and the US.

Recently there has been a strong push to revive old ways and rediscover traditional arts. Traditional musical instruments include pahu and toere drums and the curious nose flute called a vivo. Guitars and ukuleles made their way into Polynesia and the locals developed a unique song style that owes much to country western music in form but has a distinctive South Pacific island groove. Customary dancing (tamure) has slowly made its way back into French Polynesian life, but the art of making tapa (bark paper and cloth) has largely disappeared.


Tanah Lot (海神廟)-必去景點(diǎn),巴厘島地標(biāo)性建筑

Pura Tirtha Empul (圣泉廟)


uluwatu (烏魯瓦度--俗稱情人崖)

金巴蘭海灘(Jimbaran Beach)-吃海鮮BBQ,看日落,最美夕陽

Kuta Beach(庫塔海灘)-這里近市區(qū),可在KUTA洋人街逛逛

烏布傳統(tǒng)市場(Pasar Ubud),這里有皇宮,還可以去看看。


Bali Batik Village(巴厘島蠟染村,可去看看)

羅威娜海灘(Lovina Beach)--這個(gè)不推薦,太遠(yuǎn),在巴厘島最北部







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